CommunityConnect Labs

Workforce Connect

Engage and support job training participants before, during, and after the program.


Job training and other workforce development initiatives are high-touch programs that depend on regular communication and engagement with participants in order to be successful.


  • Job training programs often have unique eligibility needs, a long program timeline, and rigorous reporting requirements
  • Nonprofits are constantly screening, onboarding, engaging, and following up with program participants despite limited staff and resources
  • Retention surveys are especially difficult to conduct, yet they remain critical to continued funding


Workforce development providers can engage job training participants through the entire life cycle of their program via mobile messaging. Automate interactions, receive real-time updates from participants, and seamlessly update in-house databases.


  • Automatically screen candidates for program eligibility
  • Schedule intake calls or in-person visits
  • Send nudges and reminders to complete training modules and assignments
  • Automatically collect job retention data and income updates
  • Integrated into Salesforce for seamless updates of contact information


How It Works

Upload phone number contacts or opt-in numbers from outreach like social media, newsletters, events, etc.

Recipients are automatically pre-screened for eligibility

Recipients schedule phone calls and intake meetings via text to complete the enrollment process

Recipients receive reminders and nudges to complete modules and other assignments


Recipients can easily provide job updates (title, earnings) after their program ends

Client Story: JobTrain