CommunityConnect Labs’ Census Outreach Project, Winner of Amazon Imagine Grant, Featured at Amazon Web Services re:Invent Conference

CommunityConnect Labs’ Census Outreach Project was recently featured as Amazon Web Service’s re:Invent Conference. Watch this short video highlighting our work to help get 575,000 people counted in Census 2020.
Activate your community with the Community Motivator

Watch this short animated video and learn how the Community Motivator tool works.
Answer your constituents’ Census questions with the HelpDesk

Watch this short animated video and learn how the HelpDesk tool works.
How to Inform, Educate, and Activate Students for the 2020 Census

With the 2020 Census approaching, it is important to engage individuals of all ages to get counted. On October 29th, Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ) hosted a webinar on how college students, organizations, and staff can get involved to ensure that college students are counted in the 2020 Census. If you weren’t able to attend, here are some key takeaways.
Get Out the Count: Outreach Strategies for December 2019

As 2019 draws to a close and Census Day rapidly approaches, people will begin to hear about the Census in ads, marketing materials, and social media. You can use this publicity to gain momentum and get constituents interested in and excited about the Census.
SMS Compliance and Best Practices Guide for Local Governments

SMS texting can be a great option to reach constituents for a number of reasons. In order to make it effective, it’s critically important that best practices are followed for a long-lasting relationship between local government and its constituents.
2020 Census Online Survey Sneak Peek

The US Census Bureau released a sneak peek of the 2020 Census online form last week during the National Advisory Committee Fall Meeting. We broke down the details and pulled a few screenshots to walk through the details.
Addressing Public Charge Head-On

Due to all of the uncertainty around Public Charge and the new proposed rule, the Grove Foundation hosted the Public Charge Community Forum on October 31st to discuss new developments and showcase new Public Charge screening tools developed by CommunityConnect Labs and Immigration Advocates Network.
$1.5 Trillion of Federal Funding at Stake If A Census Undercount Occurs

In May, researchers estimated that $880 billion dollars in federal funding was at stake if there was an undercounting in the 2020 Census. After digging in even deeper, a new total has surfaced, emphasizing the importance of achieving a complete and accurate count. According to researchers, there is now $1.5 trillion at stake.
CommunityConnect Labs Launches Community Motivator SMS Solution to Encourage 2020 Census Participation with Inaugural Partners in California and Hawaii

CommunityConnect Labs (CCL), a California-based nonprofit that develops high-quality, affordable mobile text messaging solutions that enable state and local governments and other service providers to reach low-income and other hard-to-engage individuals, successfully launched its Community Motivator solution with partner organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area and Hawaii with the aim of increasing 2020 Census participation