Get Out the Count: Outreach Strategies for September 2019

Last month we blogged about the importance of creating your strategic plan for Census outreach. This month, let’s focus on your volunteers. From your strategic plan, you should have an idea about how many people you plan to help complete the Census in your community.
Leading the Fight Against Public Charge

As changes to the public charge policy were announced in mid-August, organizations have been developing efforts to combat the new rule. The Legal Aid Society of San Mateo has created their own projects and has also partnered with CommunityConnect Labs to develop a solution to help vulnerable communities affected by the changes.
From Awareness to Action: Public Pledging

From petitions to save the environment to driving awareness of politics and voting, campaigns commonly include “pledging” as a tactic to drive support of their cause. But does publicly pledging to something really change behavior? Research indicates that it does, which is why we’re helping governments and CBOs drive their constituents to Pledge to be Counted in the 2020 Census.
Behind the Scenes: State of California Census Planning

“If you participating in the Census wasn’t that important, why are they trying to take it away from you?” asked Alex Padilla as he spoke at the Joint Informational Hearing on Aug. 21, 2019. As part of the state of California’s commitment to stewarding state taxpayer funds that have been allocated for Census outreach, this hearing was convened to discuss statewide outreach strategies for the 2020 Census, as well as inform the public about how these efforts will reach hard-to-count communities in California. It also provided stakeholders the opportunity to comment and ask questions of the parties responsible for executing these efforts.
Counting San Francisco

In order to avoid losing political representation and federal funds, many counties within California are developing outreach and communication campaigns so that an undercount does not occur. San Francisco, one of the hardest to count counties nationwide, has committed itself to minimizing barriers of participation and to making sure that everyone is counted.
4 Opportunities to Engage Your Community This Fall

Census Day 2020 is still months away, but the time to start ramping up Census outreach is now. With kids heading back to school and the holiday season just around the corner, there are numerous opportunities to get your community engaged and activated.
Cambios en las reglas de “carga pública”

La definición de “carga pública” ha sido muy limitada, por lo cual el gobierno rara vez había negado las solicitudes basadas en esos motivos. Sin embargo, el 12 de agosto de 2019, la Administración Trump anunció una nueva regla que modificará las políticas de “carga pública” y entrará en efecto 60 días a partir del 14 de agosto de 2019.
Get Out The Count, Outreach Strategies for August 2019

As we get closer to Census Day on April 1, 2020, we’ll be counting down the months with a timeline of outreach recommendations for governments, community-based organizations, and individuals. CCL staff attend many of the Complete Count Committee meetings that are happening all over the nation, and we thought it would be helpful to share some of the insights that we’ve collected to better help your outreach efforts.
Maximize Your 2020 Census Outreach Efforts with the Community Motivator

It’s a challenge for government and civic engagement organizations to move constituents from thinking about civic participation to action. This challenge is particularly pronounced in Get Out the Count (GOTC) efforts for the 2020 Census.
The Citizenship Question Won’t Appear on the Census. What Now?

On June 29, 2019 the Supreme Court announced their decision to stop the citizenship question from appearing on the 2020 Census. So, does this mean that Census outreach efforts are done? No. Instead, this is a crucial time for outreach efforts to be implemented.